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Micah Abraham, BSc

What if you could cure your anxiety?

Welcome to our anxiety guide. We have compiled超过400页关于焦虑,包括焦虑症状,焦虑类型,焦虑导致,焦虑有助于策略,焦虑治疗,以及更多的详细和具体信息,概述了您可能对焦虑的每一个问题。万博max手机




。。。So What is Anxiety?

在整个生活中,你将面临各种挑战。感到担心,强调或焦虑的挑战是正常的 - 有时甚至健康。

但是,对于近20%的人口,每天都充满了担心,超越正常 - 身体和情感紧张的感觉似乎没有理由突然触发。


Anxiety comes in many different shapes and forms. There’s anxiety that’s physical, anxiety that’s emotional, anxiety that’s mental, and anxiety that are all three at once. There is anxiety caused by traumatic events, and anxiety caused by seemingly nothing at all.

Welcome to the CalmClinic guide to anxiety. This guide, along with the rest of the CalmClinic site, is dedicated to helping you understand your anxiety better, with detailed pages about:

We cover every topic possible, from Agoraphobia to the Zung Self Rating Scale, with the goal to provide you with objective articles on every topic available.



但对于那些现在正在努力攻击的人 - 就在这个时刻 - 并需要帮助找到一些临时或永久性救济,从以下内容开始:


Introduction to Anxiety

For those that stayed with us, let’s give some background on anxiety, and yes, that means you’re about to read about cavemen:

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, early man was faced with many dangers. From large predators to small poisonous snakes, they needed a way to make sure that if they were faced with danger, they could react quickly and keep themselves away from harm.





So… What is Anxiety?



πcture This:你有困难控制你的想法和忧虑。当你与某人交谈时,你担心他们没有享受它。你担心他们不想再和你谈谈。你担心他们可能不喜欢你。

Then you realize you have a big project due in the morning, and you are worried you won’t complete it on time. All day, every day, you find yourself physically or emotionally worried, and no matter how hard you try you cannot seem to relax.

πcture This:Your feel some pain in your chest. You feel like you can’t take a deep breath. Your heartbeat is speeding up. It feels like something is wrong – like a heart attack. It’s getting worse. Your mind is racing. You feel lightheaded. Is this it? Are you going to die? Suddenly it peaks!


πcture This:围绕着别人的想法是可怕的。它是恐吓。谈话很难。他们在判断你吗?他们看到了什么吗?你感到裸体,暴露。你想做的就是逃避,但你知道你是否这样做,你会再次独自一人。


πcture This:It seems that every minute of every day, you cannot get this vision out of your mind. It’s violent. It’s graphic. It’s disgusting. You hate it. You have no interest in it, but why do you keep having the thought? Why won’t it go away? Does it mean something about you?

You’ve found that the only thing that gets it out of your mind is counting prime numbers in your head. It’s the only relief you get from this horrible image.

πcture This:You went through a trauma. It’s over. Yet it seems like you’re going through it again, every day. Every loud noise takes you back to that moment. Every dream takes you back to the feelings. The smallest bit of stress feels overwhelming. You jump. You startle. It should be getting better, but it seems like the trauma never ended.

πcture This:AH! A SPIDER!

每一个这些的只是一个例子ways anxiety can affect you.


Why does anxiety have different “types”? That’s not entirely clear. But anxiety isn’t the same for all people.

Some people experience constant, low levels of anxiety that don’t stop them from living their life, but affect everything they do.


It’s why anxiety is so complex, and why education and understanding of anxiety is so important. For more about each type of anxiety, click on the different types below:



These are all very common. But what you may not know is that anxiety, and the many different types of anxiety disorders, can cause hundreds of different symptoms – from the common to the rare.

的确,你可能知道焦虑可以引起灯光,但你知道它可以吗?cause a sore throat?你可能已经猜到了焦虑可以引起恶心,但你知道它是否会导致both arm painjoint pain

There are hundreds of different anxiety symptoms, and some of them seem to have no relationship to anxiety at all. But that’s because anxiety isn’t just anxiety. When you have anxiety, you often struggle with supplementary issues, such as:

反过来,这些导致他们自己的症状。例如,当你强调时,你可能会发现自己有稍微模糊的视觉,这反过来导致眯眼,这又转过身来导致眼睛疼痛。当你没有睡觉时,你的身体可能无法恢复,这可能导致肌肉疼痛,临时神经损害, and more.

Stress also affects digestion, which means you may not be processing food correctly, which THEN means you may be experiencing symptoms associated with nutritional deficiencies.




Mental Anxiety Symptoms

Many anxiety symptoms are mental. That means they are related to thoughts. For some people, thoughts are what characterize the disorder. For example, obsessive compulsive disorder is caused by persistent, uncontrollable thoughts. Generalized anxiety disorder can cause frequent worries about otherwise inconsequential things.

The list of mental anxiety symptoms is extensive, but for a brief overview of some of the most common, start here:

Most of these types of thoughts trigger physical symptoms as well. But not all of them. There are people living with anxiety that struggle with these thoughts but don’t necessarily “feel” anxious. They still have anxiety, because anxiety affects people in different ways.

In addition, thoughts can change. If we asked you right now “what types of thoughts are you having?” you might say scary thoughts or irrational thoughts. But if we ask you again in two weeks, you might say weird or racing. So don’t feel like you have to limit yourself to one type of mental symptom.

Physical Anxiety Symptoms

As we talked about earlier, there are also considerable physical anxiety symptoms. So many, in fact, that listing them here would be almost impossible to navigate.

That’s why we want to invite you to use our search feature, located in the top right corner of this page. It looks like this:

We have hundreds of different physical anxiety symptom pages on this site, so that you can find the information you want to read about most. But for those that would like some help getting started, here are a few of our most common pages and searches:


Similarly, there are millions of people that have the physical anxiety symptoms with NO mental symptoms. These individuals feel fine mentally, without too many worries, but physically their bodies are reacting as though they’re in danger. Many people with panic attacks report that their panic attacks seem to come from nowhere, when they’re not even feeling stressed.



Emotional Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety is, itself, an emotion. So really all anxiety symptoms are emotional anxiety symptoms. But there are some specific emotions that anxiety can trigger. You can find more in our search feature, but some examples include:

It can also导致抑郁症, as well as anhedonia – a strange temporary symptom where you are unable to feel joy (but may not be depressed or sad).



All About Anxiety Attacks

Often when we talk about anxiety symptoms, we’re talking about more of the general symptoms of anxiety. But there is a form of anxiety that deserves its own special place – the anxiety attack.

Anxiety attacks are primarily physical anxiety symptoms on a large scale. They’re traditionally referred to as panic attacks, but there are “forms” of anxiety attacks that can affect other disorders, such as severe anxiety at the sight of blood, or severe OCD that triggers an extreme bump in symptoms.

Still, when talking about anxiety attacks and panic attacks, we’re usually referring tosignificant, intense anxiety symptoms that are often so severe, people that experience them may feel as though they’re having a heart attack


Some people even call an ambulance, because the symptoms mimic health problems. They can make you feel like you’re dying.

Anxiety attacks peak at around 10 minutes and then slowly decline afterwards. They can leave you feeling drained, confused, exhausted, and scared. Some people develop health anxiety, because the symptoms are so physical and so real, that it’s hard to believe that they can be caused by anxiety.

Let’s be clear here: The symptoms of anxiety attacks ARE real. Your chest pains, lightheadedness, and more are not your imagination. Your body is really experiencing those problems. The only difference is that they’re caused by anxiety, and they are not necessarily dangerous. They just feel like they are.


What Causes Anxiety?

Any time you struggle with a mental health issue like anxiety, it’s easy to want to seek out the cause.




There is some value in identifying what causes your anxiety, but it shouldn’t necessarily be your primary focus. That’s because it’s easy to point to something and blame it for your anxiety, even though it may not actually be the cause:



Anxiety is also the type of condition that develops through experiences. Let’s look at an example:


That drop in confidence affects her. The next time she’s at a party, she feels more uncomfortable than usual. Someone tries to talk to her, but when she tries to talk back she struggles to find the words. It’s embarrassing. A few weeks later is a birthday. She remembers how hard it was for her to talk and she feels anxious. That anxiety causes her to withdraw even further. When she does try to break out of it, her anxiety makes her struggle even more, which reinforces her fear.

Over the next few years, it develops into a cycle that makes her more and more anxious, until the very idea of going out in public causes her extreme anxiety. She has developed social anxiety disorder.

This type of example is how many people develop anxiety. If you’re looking for specific causes, you can blame genetics (her parents were shy), or you can blame her stressful workplace (chronic stress can create anxiety), or you can blame her experiences (mistakes in social situations caused her anxiety).


Learning and understanding this in full can help you make sure you recognize what can lead to your anxiety. It just also helps to see that anxiety can be more complicated than one specific “cause.” Some people have anxiety triggered by one event or trauma, or possibly a health condition, such as menopause. But for others, the issue is often more complicated.

We’ve also explored over 50 different unique causes of anxiety that we explore throughout the site, so don’t forget to use our search feature and visit our page on anxiety causes to learn more.

Do You Have Anxiety?

Hopefully you have a better understanding of anxiety, and an idea of whether or not you or someone you love is struggling with an anxiety symptom. We also invite you to explore the many pages we have available that delve further into the individual details about each anxiety, symptom, cause, and more.



If you struggle with anxiety, chances are you want to treat it. The problem is that navigating the thousands of potential treatments available can be difficult. There are dozens of medications, countless self-help tips, numerous “herbal” and “natural” strategies, many different types of therapy, and more.

We’ll give you an introduction to all of these different options below, but if you’re looking to explore anxiety treatments in significant detail, visit our anxiety treatment handbook at the link below.


Similarly, just as anxiety is different for different people, so too are treatments. What works for one person may not work as well for another. Some are more effective than others. Never give up trying to treat your anxiety.所有焦虑都是可治愈的。It simply takes finding the right treatment for you.


Medications are one of the most popular treatments for anxiety, because they are the only treatment option that is easy and works quickly. That ease does come at a cost. Many medications have unpleasant side effects. Medications also can’t “cure” anxiety. They can only “stop it.”


So all anxiety medications benefit from supplementary treatments. But in the beginning? Yes, medications can help, provided you figure out which one is best for you. Here are some references to start you off:

These are only some of the medications that we’ve featured here on CalmClinic, but there are countless more. For a complete over view of all different types of anxiety medications, and details about what to choose from, please visit our anxiety medication handbook below.



并非所有治疗都是平等的,并且某些形式的治疗效果是争议的。例如,心理动力学治疗 - 被锡格蒙德弗洛伊德推广 - 被别人的一些和最有效的被认为是无效的。

But therapy, especially certain types of therapy, can be very effective. If you’re interested in learning more about therapy for anxiety, here are some places to start:

治疗is effective. But not all therapy is the same. Hypnotherapy is controversial. Cognitive behavioral therapy is highly regarded and effective, but doesn’t work for everyone. Therapy is a great choice, but don’t feel deflated if it doesn’t work for you or you can’t afford it.

Self-Help Techniques for Anxiety

Self-help treatments can work. You can cure your anxiety at home. The only problem with self-help techniques is that they require substantial commitment, and most people that try to cure anxiety at home give up quickly.




If you research yourself, you’ll probably find a lot of strategies for self-help. Some of them work. Not all of them do. Don’t be discouraged if the ones you try aren’t as effective as you hoped.


Overcoming Anxiety

焦虑是一种压倒性的条件。它控制了你的想法。它的存在是你所做的一切。你忍受焦虑的时间越长,就像那里的所有人都越多 - 似乎没有其他方式而不是陷入焦虑症。


下一个步骤。我们的建议是嘘kmark this handbook, so that you can keep exploring further and further into anxiety and how to eliminate it. If you have any struggles, use our search feature and find out more about it. You can also在Facebook上关注我们, where we post new stories and updates about anxiety, and a chance to interact with others that are also dealing with similar challenges.

Hopefully this anxiety handbook helps you get started, and keep delving deeper into the other guides we’ve linked to above. In time, you’ll be an expert on anxiety yourself, and able to find the solutions that will work best for you.

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