
How to Perform Exposure Therapy for Anxiety at Home

Faiq Shaikh,M.D.
Medically reviewed by
How to Perform Exposure Therapy for Anxiety at Home

Treating anxiety can be difficult. Not only is anxiety something that's been created from years of experiences - anxiety also fuels itself, causing it to create a type of anxiety cycle that requires a great deal of intervention in order to treat successfully.

Cognitive behavioral psychologists depend on many tools to try to break that cycle and improve your ability to control anxiety. One such tool is known as exposure therapy, and studies have shown it is one of the most effective ways to combat short and long term anxiety.

Exposure Therapy and Anxiety Disorders

暴露疗法是治疗方法之一万博max手机for different anxiety disorders, and the therapy itself is used differently depending on the type and severity of the disorder.

But exposure therapy has been proven to be very effective at controlling anxiety. It's based on well research psychological principles, and studies have shown that completed effectively, it is one of the best possible ways to stop anxious reactions to various thoughts and stimuli.

What is Exposure Therapy and How Does it Work?


The best way to explain this is with an example. Pretend you have a phobia of something silly, like pencils. You are deathly afraid of pencils, to the point where you avoid them altogether and run away when you see them.

没有w, imagine a psychologist locked you in a room with a pencil, and you couldn't come out. At first, you'd be terrified - you'd experience a severe fear response. But after a while, when nothing happens, your mind will start to adapt. You'll get used to the pencil's presence, and eventually it will stop causing fear. The brain adapts to the pencil, because the human brain hates being under stress, and when no danger occurs it will purposefully reduce that stress by reducing the amount of anxiety it experiences in the presence of the stimuli.

This is how exposure therapy works. It takes advantage of the principle of extinction (which is, in essence, when you're no longer afraid of a feared stimulus) by introducing you to the feared stimulus slowly until you're not afraid anymore.


You may be wondering why extinction doesn't happen naturally with irrational fears. After all, if you have a fear of a pencil, and you come across a pencil, nothing happens - so why doesn't the fear go away?


It's not just objects either. People also fight their own thoughts, trying as hard as they can to stop thinking about the things that bother them. This type of avoidance is has a negative effect on your ability to overcome your anxieties.

Exposure Therapy and Specific Disorders

This type of therapy differs depending on the type of disorder a person experiences. In order to better understand the issues surrounding each disorder and how exposure therapy can be valued, we'll break them down into categories below:

Specific Phobias

Exposure therapy started with phobias. Phobias are intense fear of something that doesn't deserve that type of fear response, like spiders, snakes, driving, or heights.



Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder



It will likely start with trying to relive your trauma on purpose, and come to terms with the experiences. From there, a psychologist may have you start working with the triggers that cause you to experience severe anxiety, whether it's noises, people, or situations. PTSD is a complex disorder that can differ in its treatment based on individual traumas, so your psychologist will come up with a specific plan for you.

Panic Disorder

Exposure therapy can also be used in panic disorder. Panic disorder is characterized by intense feelings of extreme anxiety and doom, almost always as a reaction to your own body. While people can occasionally experience panic attacks due to surprise, danger, or a fearful situation, most panic attacks are triggered by physical sensations, either because they trigger fear over something being wrong with your health (like a heart attack) or fear that you may experience a panic attack.

Psychologists use exposure therapy to reduce the effects of these triggers. The triggers still happen, but if you don't experience anxiety as a response to these triggers you can decrease the likelihood of a panic attack, and potentially decrease the severity of the attacks you do have. Examples of triggers include:


This type of desensitization can be very effective. It tends not to control all panic attacks, but it does seem to effectively reduce the severity and frequency since you will not be responding to those sensations with as much fear.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder can actually benefit greatly from exposure therapy. But it's not just compulsions that can be exposed to the person. It's the obsessions as well.




How to Perform Exposure Therapy at Home

One of the reasons that exposure therapy is best left in the hands of experts is because psychologists are trained to talk you down if the anxiety gets too high, and are also there to make sure you can't quit. That accountability is important - if the anxiety gets too strong and you stop the exposure before you've calmed down, you can actually make it more likely to experience anxiety in the future and make exposure therapy more difficult.

But it is possible to perform it at home. If you're going to, consider the following:

With panic disorder, many of the symptoms are caused by hyperventilation. So some people find hyperventilating on purpose is as powerful way to keep that anxiety away.

If there's any reason to be concerned that you may have a severe reaction to these exposures, do it in the presence of a doctor. Those with a heart condition, for example, may want to make sure a trained medical professional is running the show just in case anything goes wrong.

But in general, it is possible to perform exposure therapy yourself. If you truly believe you can handle exposure therapy, it is one of the most powerful ways to reduce anxiety.

Article Resources
  1. Borkovec, T. D., and Andrew M. Mathews.Treatment of nonphobic anxiety disorders: A comparison of nondirective, cognitive, and coping desensitization therapy。咨询与临床心理学杂志56.6(1988):877。
  2. Abramowitz,Jonathan S.,Martin E. Franklin和Edna B. Foa。经验的认知行为疗法or obsessive-compulsive disorder: A meta-analytic review。Romanian Journal of Cognitive & Behavioral Psychotherapies (2002).
  3. Cottraux, Jean, et al.Exposure therapy, fluvoxamine, or combination treatment in obsessive-compulsive disorder: one-year followup。精神病学研究49.1(1993):63-75。
  4. Rothbaum, Barbara Olasov, et al.Virtual reality exposure therapy for PTSD Vietnam veterans: A case study。创伤应力12.2(1999):263-271。
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