Therapies & Solutions
Fact Checked


Denise Griswold, MSc, LCAS


Some common forms of poor breathing associated with anxiety include:

Poor breathing habits can lead to a variety of issues, the most common of which is hyperventilation. Hyperventilation is responsible for many of the symptoms of anxiety attacks, including chest pain and rapid heartbeat.



DISCLAIMER: Breathing exercises are for those considered in good heart and lung health and have been cleared by a doctor. Those that have heart, lung, or other medical issues that may affect or be affected by breathing should talk to a doctor before they attempt any breathing technique.

Exercises to Improve Breathing and Calm the Body



How it Works:双手捂住嘴,慢慢呼吸。你也可以试着用一个小纸袋。这个想法是为了防止二氧化碳的排出,并让它回到你的肺部,这样你就可以在你的系统中恢复二氧化碳的平衡。当你呼吸的时候,把它放在脸上,保持正常的呼吸以恢复你的二氧化碳水平。

Additional Thoughts:**Research is mixed on the effectiveness of rebreathing in regaining your Co2 levels. It's hard to stop an anxiety attack, and rebreathing doesn't appear to stop one completely. But it may help reduce the severity of the symptoms, which should decrease the likelihood that the anxiety attack drains you of your energy.



How it Works:有不同类型的深呼吸strategies, but the simplest involves sitting in a chair with your back straight and your arms on the armrests. You take a deep, slow breath in through your nose lasting close to 5 or 6 seconds. You then hold for a few seconds, and breathe out slowly through your mouth, taking close to 7 seconds (breathe out like you're whistling). Repeat 10 times.



它有什么好处:Advanced deep breathing combines both of the benefits of the above two breathing exercises, making it great for those suffering from severe anxiety and panic attacks. However, it can be hard to master in a time of panic, so many people struggle to perform this type of exercise at first. If you're confident you can get the strength to use this exercise, you may find yourself able to calm down much faster.

How it Works:You'll need to find a much more comfortable place for this to work, and expect it to take a considerable amount of time. Find a quiet place you can stay for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Sit like you would for deep breathing with your back straight, but try to be comfortable.

For this exercise, you will be monitoring your heartbeat to keep a good rhythm. You will do at least 10 breath cycles, and each cycle will be comprised of three stages:

When you breathe in, make sure that you're breathing in through your stomach first and your chest second.


Additional Thoughts: **It can be very hard to perform this type of exercise, especially if it's your first time with breathing exercises. During an anxiety attack, it's hard to gather your thoughts enough to count heartbeats and calm your body. But if you can master this technique, you'll find that you should be able to calm yourself during a panic attack, and possibly experience some relief from your panic symptoms.



These are the types of additional strategies that may also help you relieve some of your panic and anxiety symptoms. Your next course of action is an anxiety treatment. By curing your anxiety, you'll also stop your poor breathing habits.

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