Mental-Cognitive Symptoms
Fact Checked


Faiq Shaikh, M.D.


Racing, rapid thoughts can make you feel like you're going crazy. But they're actually a somewhat normal anxiety symptom. This article will explore the idea of racing thoughts and what you can do to help control it.


Racing thoughts most often occur during an anxiety attack, although many different anxiety disorders appear to cause thought racing even when no attack is present.


Not all racing thoughts are anxiety related, but some have secondary relationships. Some of the examples of issues that cause racing thoughts include:

Those with depression may also have racing thoughts during manic stages, and it's possible that ADHD leads to racing thoughts as well. Only a doctor or psychologist can diagnose if you're suffering from any of the above disorders.

When Racing Thoughts are a Problem


It's not the thoughts that are dangerous, but how you react to them. If your thoughts are racing to such a degree that it's causing you sleeplessness, distress, or any other emotional problems, then it's very important that you learn how to control them.

Ways to Treat Racing Thoughts

Treating your anxiety is the only surefire way to stop racing thoughts from anxiety. But in the interim, there are some strategies you can try that may be effective.


One of the theories about why the mind races is that it doesn't want to forget the thoughts you're having. The idea is that your brain is essentially keeping these thoughts in your mind to ensure that you don't forget them because it's worried that if you stop thinking about them it will go away.

It's not clear about whether or not this theory is true. But what many people find effective as a way of preventing this problem is writing out all of their thoughts in some type of hard document, like a journal.


This is an interesting, and surprisingly effective way to calm the mind - especially before bed if your thoughts are keeping you awake.



That's where something like television or radio can come in handy. Many people with tinnitus - an ear disorder that causes an irritating ringing sound in a person's ear - use auditory distractions to make it harder for them to focus on the irritating noise.


This takes you out of your head and causes you to focus on something else, and once you're focusing on something else, the racing thoughts should conceivably have less of an effect on your ability to fall asleep.





另一种策略是简单地训练自己不要照顾。当你尽力停止时,赛车思想往往会变得更糟。当你的想法正在赛车时,提醒自己,这是你焦虑的一部分 - 这是一个令人恼火的部分,但仍然是你焦虑的一部分。


Boring Routines

Finally, make sure that you're giving yourself boring routines. Those that have racing thoughts during the day need a strategy that is so boring, their thoughts stop bothering them. It may be going for a walk in a quiet area, doing math, making art (although this is not necessarily boring) - anything that doesn't "excite" the mind and body. Do your best to stay off electronics.

对于那些在他们睡觉前有这些想法的人来说,在你上床睡觉之前,没有光线和技术在睡觉前很重要。在睡眠前约30分钟(或者如果可以的话),请关闭所有技术并开始准备睡眠。确保您的例程足够长,以至于您在所有30分钟内都没有完成 - 这将使您的思绪令人疲劳。当你睡觉时,激发思想的许多事情将被带走,睡眠可能更容易。

Racing Thoughts During Anxiety Attacks

You may also experience racing thoughts during anxiety attacks. Often these thoughts are about your health or wellness, and focused on the attack itself. Some people worry they're going to die or panic over what they're feeling, and it can feel very difficult to get those thoughts under control.

不幸的是,等待是唯一的选择。Try to slow down your breathing so that your anxiety attack is less stressful, drink a bit of water, and see if there is someone you can call to take your mind off of the attack. Once the attack winds down, your thoughts should get back under control.

The Only Way to Stop Racing Thoughts Forever


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