Physical Symptoms
Fact Checked


Jenna Jarrold, MS, LAC, NCC
Medically reviewed by

没有人想患上焦虑,但大多数人都可以应对一些常见的症状(即 - 有点出汗,有点肌肉抽搐,一些胃不适)。

Yet some anxiety symptoms can have a much more significant impact on one ’s overall well-being and quality of life. Headaches are often cited as one of these more significant symptoms.




Tension headaches are caused by stress. Researchers are not entirely clear why stress causes tension headaches, but there are some hypotheses. When a person is stressed, the muscles around the head and eyes get tighter. Some combination of hormones, body heat, and muscle tension is likely to contribute to these headaches.

Other Head-Pain Sensations

In addition to tension headaches, some people experience “unusual” head sensations. For example, some report sudden, light shooting pains in their head or around their eyes that comes quickly and leaves just as rapidly. It is still possible for these to be related to anxiety, although always consult with your doctor if you’re not sure.

How to Tell if Your Headache is Caused By Anxiety

Tension headaches are often diagnosed in relation to a person's overall health and lifestyle. Only a medical professional can officially diagnose a tension headache, but there are some questions many ask themselves to begin to identify the cause of a headache.

Because self-diagnosis is not recommended, a visit to the doctor isn't a bad idea. This is especially true, as many symptoms of anxiety mimic those of physical health problems (light-headedness, dizziness, even chest pains).

How to Relieve Anxiety Headaches

Although there is no proven way to instantly relieve tension headaches associated with anxiety, there are some standard headache treatments. Over the counter medications, like Tylenol, are effective for some people.

Yet, as with any medication, it is important to determine whether or not it is safe for you to take. Drinking water may be a more natural approach, as it is a commonly cited remedy for tension headaches, as dehydration is known to exacerbate headache symptoms.

另一种管理焦虑头痛的方法正在减少您消耗的“屏幕时间”的数量(即 - 时间查看智能手机,平板电脑,电脑屏幕)。来自屏幕时间的光线可以有助于紧张头痛,特别是如果您已经容易发生了张力头痛。


不ne of these tricks are guaranteed, but they all can potentially relieve some of the discomfort associated with a tension headache.



Although each person’s cause of anxiety is different, there are some general anxiety reduction strategies that could result in preventing headaches altogether. :

While there are ways to manage anxiety and the associated headaches, meeting with a mental health professional still may be recommended vital to explore and identify the underlying cause(s) of anxiety.

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