Anxiety Recovery Starts with Your Symptoms
Because anxiety is such a broad area, and because no two people's anxiety manifests itself in the same way, there are many different approaches that need to be taken to overcome it. But the following are some of the options that can help you recover from your anxiety:
- 谈话治疗While most people prefer not to be told to seek therapy, the truth is that therapy is the most natural, effective option to help cure anxiety. It's not always affordable, and there are some at-home methods of reducing anxiety that is considered as effective, but if you're not considering psychotherapy for your anxiety, then you're not putting yourself in the best chance for a complete recovery.
- Acceptance恢复的另一个非常重要的部分是验收(通过协会,承诺治疗)。你需要愿意对你有焦虑的事实是好的。你需要认识到你的症状是焦虑症状,而不是责备自己或试图将你的焦虑与你的焦虑造成抗烈。焦虑恢复是一个过程,而不是一夜之间治愈的东西。在那之前,不要让你的焦虑症感到沮丧,让你的焦虑更糟糕。
- Support System您还应该制定强大的社会支持系统。与他人共度时光是一个有信心和对焦虑恢复方法的信心和承诺的强大工具。当他们发生时,找到你很舒服地说话,你很舒服地说话。如果你可以在患有焦虑或在焦虑症时遇到焦虑或告诉朋友的时候打电话给你的朋友,你会发现你的焦虑变得不那么严重。
- 锻炼研究表明,锻炼是控制焦虑的强大,因为一些最常见的焦虑药物。运动改善了大脑中的神经递质产生和合成,特别是如果运动相当强烈 - 像慢跑30分钟。锻炼是一种深刻而有效的方法,可以立即改变你的焦虑水平。
- Stay BusyThose with anxiety tend to do less because their anxiety makes it hard for them to enjoy activities. But anxiety is a strange condition, and it's one where when you're not using your brain, it tends to get worse. So you should actually try to stay busy with healthy distractions as much as possible. When you're home alone, watch funny shows (not dramas or horrors) on TV, listen to upbeat music, play games or puzzles, talk on the phone, and make sure that you're keeping your mind occupied so that you focus on your anxiety less. Giving yourself a break from anxious thoughts can reduce anxiety in the future.
There are also many relaxation strategies that you can try, along with behavioral training and coping mechanisms.
当然,一旦你减少了焦虑,你将不得不保持它。这也是恢复的一部分 - 控制未来焦虑的能力,并确保你阻止它来回来。
- 不要失望Once in a while, your anxiety may come back. It's natural, and it happens to almost everyone with anxiety. If your anxiety comes back, don't get upset with yourself. Expect that it may come back once in a while and take what you've learned to help keep it away.
- Don't Take it For Granted你也需要考虑你的心理健康是你生命中的优先事项。这并不意味着你需要处于无压力的泡沫,但它确实意味着你需要确保你不太狂野或做任何可以带回你的焦虑的东西。继续您的放松策略,并始终为改善心理健康的活动(比如练习)。
- Be ProudYou should also be proud and accountable for overcoming your anxiety. Consider helping others. Find your own innovative techniques. Write about it. You need to have a mindset that recognizes that you overcome these obstacles. It'll keep you focused on maintaining the improvements you've made.
运动,健康的饮食,避免压力的活动 - 这些都是继续致力于健康的生活方式的部分。当你治愈焦虑时,恢复不仅仅结束。您还需要确保尽可能长时间继续使用这些涨幅。